The Dark Knight Rises hypothesis/pre-review

I know the title seems confusing, but hear me out. As I am a big fan of Batman and Nolan's Batverse, I have doused myself in the mythology, the hints and clues that Nolan and co. have been tossing about lately and way back when about this final chapter of the Nolan Batman-saga. Also, as [...]

The Dark Knight Rises preview

An unexpected weight was put on Christopher Nolan’s shoulders after the mega success of 2008, The Dark Knight, when Heath Ledger,one of the main stars, died unexpectedly. The decision to cast Ledger as the iconic villain, The Joker, raised a lot of eyebrows in advance but proved to be a great decision, but eventually turned [...]

My reaction to Tom Hardy being cast as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

What do you remember about the older Batman movies, before Chris Nolan came and took the reins, effectively rebooting the whole franchise and making Batman a dark character that, at least on some level, can be taken seriously? Nipples, crotches, rubber suits, Schwarzenegger and neon colours? Joel Schumacher single-handedly pretty much butchered the series after [...]