Finnishing Hollywood, Laura Kane

It’s been a while since I have last posted on my blog, and I do apologise for this oversight. Real life caught up and interfered with my virtual life – you know how it is, working and striving for productiveness gets in the way of your hobbies. This time I am breaking my habits and [...]

The Dark Knight Rises hypothesis/pre-review

I know the title seems confusing, but hear me out. As I am a big fan of Batman and Nolan's Batverse, I have doused myself in the mythology, the hints and clues that Nolan and co. have been tossing about lately and way back when about this final chapter of the Nolan Batman-saga. Also, as [...]

Prometheus 3D

Huh, it's strange to be writing about something fairly new for a change. I've been so terribly bogged down with my dissertation and other stuff for the past academic year, that my blog contributions suffered. Well, died down actually. But here we go with Prometheus! I guess it goes without saying at this point, I'd [...]

Deus Ex: Human Revolution rant

This is not a review, it's just a rant on DX:HR by Yours Truly. Just Cause, I like it. Why else would it be called Media Viking RANTS? It's already been a while since I played the game actively, but I'm yet to finish The Missing Link so I will be going back to that [...]

The Dark Knight Rises preview

An unexpected weight was put on Christopher Nolan’s shoulders after the mega success of 2008, The Dark Knight, when Heath Ledger,one of the main stars, died unexpectedly. The decision to cast Ledger as the iconic villain, The Joker, raised a lot of eyebrows in advance but proved to be a great decision, but eventually turned [...]

The Social Network

Hands up, who wanted to see a movie about the creation of Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg? Thought so, neither did I. Well, anyway, it got made, and by none other than David Fincher of Fight Club fame. And surprisingly, it turned out good though not in a way I expected it to. Mark [...]

My reaction to Tom Hardy being cast as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises

What do you remember about the older Batman movies, before Chris Nolan came and took the reins, effectively rebooting the whole franchise and making Batman a dark character that, at least on some level, can be taken seriously? Nipples, crotches, rubber suits, Schwarzenegger and neon colours? Joel Schumacher single-handedly pretty much butchered the series after [...]


Slightly flinchy at times. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in a movie about aliens? Is anyone actually surprised? Most probably think Paul is the third part in Frost-Pegg-Wright’s hugely successful and lauded ’Blood and Ice Cream’ trilogy when it in fact is a buddy-movie by Pegg and Frost alone. According to Pegg the idea originated [...]

Anathema live @ The Slade Rooms Wolverhampton, 16/02/2011

Anathema with Awake by Design and North Atlantic Oscillation First off, I'd like to apologise for the absence of new posts on this site. I've been quite bogged down with other stuff, and three of my stories I wanted to post here I couldn't earlier as they were a part of my Magazine production course [...]

Tron: Legacy

''It’s biodigital jazz, man''. That line, delivered by his Dudeness, Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, pretty much sums up Tron: Legacy. Just like jazz, it’s an experience overall yet consists of brilliant musicians, or areas of production in this analogy, even though you might not appreciate them all and some are better than the others. [...]